Editing Services
Editing Tales
Query Letter: $15
Synopsis: $15
Query Letter & Synopsis: $30
1st Chapter: $20
Query Letter, Synopsis, & 1st Chapter: $50
Query, Synop, & 1st Chap (2 passes): $65
Your query letter is the first thing a literary agent/acquiring editor reads, make sure it stands out from the crowd and contains exactly what they are looking for.
I will provide in-line edits, suggestions, and feedback. A la carte available.
Pitch Event Edits
3 Pitches: $30
I will review your pitches for any pitch event and tweak them to help your book stand out from the crowd! Please know that just because I edit your pitches, it doesn't guarantee agent or editor interest - I'm not in charge of X/Twitter or publishing professionals interests!
Partial Manuscript Critique
First 50 Pages: $125
First 100 Pages: $250
First 150 Pages: $375
I will read through your manuscript and provide you with a full developmental edit including in-line edits, comments/notes/feedback with my reactions and thoughts, and an edit letter.
I will also offer a 30-min Q & A done on either Google Meet or Zoom to discuss both your manuscript and any publishing questions you may have.
Mood Boards
1 MB: $15
2 MB: $30
3 MB: $45
We will discuss your book, the premise, the themes, and the vibes together! From there I will create mood boards for you using Canva, download them, and send the mood board back to you.
Full Manuscript Edit
.010 Per Word
I will read through your manuscript and provide you with a full developmental edit including in-line edits, comments/notes/feedback with my reactions and thoughts, and an edit letter.
I will also offer a 30-min Q & A done on either Google Meet or Zoom to discuss both your manuscript and any publishing questions you may have.
Literary Agent List
25 Agents: $175
I will discuss with you the type of book you are querying (age category, genre, and sub-genres) and then I will compile a list of literary agents from reputable agencies for that are accepting queries in your genre.